Roofs So Clean You Can Lick ’em

Blue-green algae called Gloeocapsa Magma

Imagine the surprise when the Neonatal unit doctors and nurses come running outside screaming and waving their arms demanding you stop cleaning the roof of their hospital. Because the fumes from the bleach were seeping into the neonatal rooms through the air conditioning units on the roof.

My friend was telling a group of cleaners as he was looking down shaking his head: “I was sick to my stomach,” he said. “The notes said to make sure the maintenance staff turned off the air handlers on top of the roof so this exact thing didn’t happen.”

Then he paused….and slowly raised his head. The room got silent. Looked us dead in the eyes and said the words every small business owner doesn’t want to hear about his employees:

“….then it happened again. Two weeks later…”

The shock. The aw. The “I am so glad I’m not THAT guy” feeling rushed through all of us. 

Two weeks later another crew came back to finish the hospital and the same scenario repeated. He could have just melted right there and rinsed into a corner by a garden hose. Never to be thought of again. 

So tragic. So scary. But why were they on the roof in the first place? There are many causes of Sick Building Syndrome but one of them is poor air quality. Why? Where do the air handlers pull air from? 

The Roof! Right!

So if your roof is filled with mold, algae, fungus, lichen, and more specifically gleocapsa magma (which is a blue-green algae) then you are pulling from those organic sources and blowing it into your home and buildings.

Can you imagine getting in and out of your car with organic biofilm on the hood or the top of your car? Every time you turn on the ac unit inside your car, get inside and outside and even roll your window down you are inviting all the gunk into your eyes, nose, and mouth. You wouldn’t dare tolerate it.

But some folks, are ok with opening their garage door allowing the “funk’ to come into their home. Opening and closing their windows and doors.

Gleocapsa Magma is Florida’s choice of Algae for rooftops. It is transferred in two ways: through the air and from animals. So needless to say it can transfer pretty quickly. When those algae spores land on your roof they start to build a family and start to thrive. Buying cars, taking out mortgages, and asking the cute Algae girl if she’d like to dance and take a chance on young whipper-snapper algae spore-like yourself.

A quick search on Google will reveal that Sick Building Syndrome is a real thing. Here I am simply scrolling down the first page after I type “Sick Building Syndrome”. These are a few of the websites I’m finding: 

  1. – a pdf that reveals indoor air facts. #4 is Sick Building Syndrome
  2. – This link is from National Center for Biotechnology Information. Looks like they are partnering with the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health.
  3. – Good ol’ Wikipedia. Where would we be without you? Just about everything your heart desires can be found here. 
  4. – Centers for Disease Control & Prevention have written their findings with links of their own. 
  5. – And then webMd. Where you go to find out you are actually not dying. You just aren’t supposed to eat 28 Apricots pieces in one sitting. 

That’s enough right?

Look, we can get rid of all of it. We can clean and sanitize your roof. We use bleach, specialty soap, and water to make your roof so clean…you can lick it!

Not only that, we are so ridiculously confident in our work that we give a 5-year warranty. Here is what our warranty states:

Year 0 – 1 = Any regrowth on your roof will be treated for free.
Year 2 – 5 = Any regrowth will be treated at half the cost of the original cleaning.

What a lot of our customers do is set their alarm to have their roof cleaned again at the 4.5-year mark to keep their warranty intact. 

So give us a call or a text at 407-982-1950. Let’s schedule a time to come out and look at your roof. Let’s get your roof cleaned up. We’d love the opportunity to earn your business. 

I’d love the opportunity to earn your business.

Sincerely Yours.

Your Cleaning Nerd,

Deland Moghimi
Owner, Perfect Pear Roof & Exterior Cleaning
Call or Text 407-982-1950

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